What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease caused by a lung condition where the airways in your lungs narrow and swell. When asthma is triggered, the muscles around these airways tighten, causing symptoms such as:

-Chest tightness



          –Trouble breathing

How Poor indoor air quality can causes Asthma?

You probably know it can be harmful to breathe in polluted air when you’re outside. The same is true for when you’re indoors. We spend about 90% of our time indoors – at home, work, school, or when we go to shops or restaurants.  

Indoor air pollution is dust, dirt, or gases in the air inside buildings such as your home or workplace that could be harmful to breathe in. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to lung diseases like lung cancer, heart disease and in particular Asthma. 

Small particles in the air can pass through your nose or mouth and get into your lungs. Airborne particles, found in haze, smoke and airborne dust, present serious air quality problems. People with asthma are at greater risk from breathing in small particles. The particles can make asthma worse. Both long-term and short-term exposure can cause health problems such as reduced lung function and more asthma attacks.

Examples of indoor triggers of asthma:


   *Seccondhand smoke

   *Pet Dander 

   *Chemical Odors

   *Low ventilation 

Protect yourself from Asthma 

Being aware of sources of indoor air irritants and allergens in the home is an important step in improving air quality and controlling asthma symptoms. Once problem areas have been identified, the appropriate steps can be taken to control the problems. The following suggestions will help improve indoor air quality and lower the number of asthma attacks:

-Control the sources of pollution 

-Avoid allergens

-Adjusting humidity

-Vacuum Daily 

-Use Air Purifier 

– Control pests

Air Purifier & Asthma

Common environmental asthma triggers in your indoor places include:


Pet dander 



Pollen from outside

An air purifier can take these triggers out of your home by trapping them in the filter. It works by bringing in air and trapping these small particles, then releasing the clean air. An air purifier also sanitizes the air around it.

Overall, how well an air purifier can help with asthma symptoms depends on the: 

-Airflow rate of the purifier 

-Filter design 

-Size of the allergen particles 

-Location of the purifier in your home

If you have asthma symptoms, an air filter or room air cleaner may help you to breath better.


المنتجات المقترحة

شركة تابعة لمجموعة شركات السليطين

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